Ice Skating Arena Erfurt
The Gunda-Niemann-Stirnemann-Halle at the Erfurt Ice Sports Center is one of the most beautiful and modern speed skating rinks in the world. On a 400-metre oval and an indoor ice rink, everyone can gain their own personal ice experience between October and March while skating for the public or watch competitions in various ice sports.
Skate hire, fun ice skating aids for the youngest and catering directly at the rink complete the offer for private visits or in groups (school classes). A heated changing room and a regular ice disco have also been added.
Distance to Public Transport
190 Meters ( Streetcar )
Parking Facilities near by
Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Straße 2
99096 Erfurt
+49 361 5641666
General Information
Seating Possibilities Rest Area Wardrobe No Pets Allowed is not Accessible for Free Public Access
Digital offers
Zero Digital Offer
Mobility offers
Bicycle Stands
Toilets Nappy Changing Area